This bass was a project bass I got from Daddy's Junky Music many years ago - it was originally Dakota Red, but had been subject to an attempted refin to cover over some buckle rash on the back. I was able to remove the overspray and save about 90% of the original Dakota Red, but I decided to overspray the entire body to get a nice even finish.
The body was sprayed with ReRanch Dakota Red nitrocellulose lacquer and then clearcoated with Eastern ChemLac clear gloss nitrocellulose.
Besides the paint, the bass had been relatively unmolested and had most of the original parts, including
- neck and frets
- pickup, with 75 stamp on it
- pots and cap, also with 75 dates on them
- MINT neckplate, with 6XXXXX series serial number, from 1975
- tuners
- bridge
- pickguard
The body had not been routed or modified.

The neck stamp is cryptic - and I have not attempted to decode it, since all the other parts confirm year of manufacture of this bass as 1975. There are two stamps in green ink - one in a larger font that I believe reads "790 3915" and then a smaller one underneath that reads "39204".

The neck finish differs from other Musicmaster basses I have owned in that it is not glossy, but rather a thin satin finish. It is the original finish, as the decal is intact as are the inspection stamps on the heel of the neck ( "R.Bush" ).

Some parts are replacement or repro parts - either because they were missing or incorrect on the bass when I got it:
- new finger rest
- reissue knobs
- new pickguard screws
- new bridge mount screws
- reissue strap buttons
All in all, another cute and great sounding little Fender bass.